No Boston attraction would fulfill its potential without a strategic mix that targets regional day-trippers, commuters and out-of-town tourists.

Shortly before hiring Rattle, BHC had re-purchased its family heirloom cruise business from construction conglomerate Modern Continental. Looking to break out of the local harbor excursion crowd the newly re-minted owners remembered an ad Rattle had created years prior for The New England Aquarium and called NEA for our name and contact info.
Our original assignment was simply to design BHC’s new thrillboat, Codzilla. With its hairpin turns, adrenalin-pumping speeds and expressive graphics a Boston icon was born.
A varied product portfolio however, demanded a varied communications mix, giving each cruise type space to breathe and thrive, maximizing appeal to different target audiences.
During Rattle’s 14-year tenure as Agency of Record, BHC’s sales rose 15%-20% every year.